3 Reasons to book a Fresh 48 Session | Eugene Newborn Photographer

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The first days with a newborn are sacred and fleeting, whether captured immediately in your birth space or later when you’re home.

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Embracing the nurse or midwife who guided you through labor. Capturing the joy of your other children or your parents when they meet the new baby. Slowing down enough to notice those wrinkly newborn feet and that tiny head with still-wet baby-fine hair. It all changes so incredibly fast.

These are the moments I wish I’d documented when I had my first baby- even though at the time these things didn’t seem noteworthy at all!

So here are my top 3 reasons to book a Fresh 48. 😊


1.     To let someone else worry about the pictures

The last thing you want to deal with right after birth is taking pictures! You’ll want to snuggle your newborn, soak up the attention from your partner, and just savor this precious, fleeting time knowing your photographer is getting all the shots you’ll want to look back on when these moments are over.

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2.     To capture the details you think you’ll never forget

There are some things we think will stay fresh in our minds forever, but they don’t.

Everything feels important and overwhelming when a baby enters the world and the truth is, all the little elements will eventually fade and blur together and those priceless details are what you’ll want to look back on one day.

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3.     To see the beauty you don’t even realize is there

If you’ve had a baby you know labor and delivery is far from magical, and don’t even get me started on the postpartum phase. It can be easy to focus on all the difficulties in this exhausting learning curve of caring for a newborn, but there is still so much beauty in this season and chances are, you’re just too tired to see that for yourself.

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Maybe you just need someone to step in and capture the wonder and beauty that radiates from this life-changing experience. Maybe seeing it though someone else’s eyes will remind you how amazing the start of this fourth trimester really is- if you can step back and take it all in.

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If any of these reasons resonate with you feel free to send me a message, I’d love to chat about your upcoming birth!


xo, Lydia S